Brownfields Educational Video Series: Phase I & II Assessments

Hello from our Brownfields Educational Video series. This video will teach you about Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments.

The first step in addressing a Brownfield is to test and learn the extent of any environmental contaminants that may be on the property. Phase I and Phase II assessments provide the data to allow professionals to conclude whether environmental problems are present.  

In a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, a qualified professional observes visible conditions on the site and researches the past and current uses of a property. In a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, trained professionals gather scientific evidence such as by sampling soil, soil-vapor, and groundwater to test for pollution.

For a brownfield site, the goal is to achieve a No Action Determination which clears the property to be sold or redeveloped. If no environmental concerns are found through Phase I and Phase II Assessment, you can get a No Action Determination right away. 

If the assessments show that environmental problems do exist, Colorado’s Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is available to help you devise a clean up program using the Voluntary Clean up and Redevelopment Program, or VCUP, which is addressed in a companion video. However, even if the Phase I and Phase II assessments identify environmental problems, typically you have no obligation to take action to clean up right away unless the condition is getting worse or spreading to other properties. 

CDPHE’s Brownfields unit offers no-cost assessments to Local governments and non-profits and will send their qualified staff and contractors to sites anywhere in the state.

If your property used to be a gas station or potentially has underground tanks, please contact CDLE’s Division of Oil and Public Safety.
Phone: 303-318-8525


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