About Us
Who We Are
At the Colorado Brownfields Partnership, we know the value of brownfield properties, but we also recognize that embarking on a brownfield project can be intimidating for local governments and property owners. The cost and time of cleanup can be extensive, and the political will and leadership capacity isn’t always in place to see a project through.
Our goal at the Colorado Brownfields Partnership is to help Colorado communities revitalize brownfields sites as a way of tapping into economic potential. We offer free support and guidance in planning assistance, capacity building, education, and financial help to spur this revitalization.
The Colorado Brownfields Partnership is a state-wide collaboration between Community Builders and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).

About Danielle
Danielle is a Project Manager with Community Builders and leads Colorado Brownfields Partnership in on the ground assistance and financial resources. She leads on-call customer service for individuals wanting to learn and access the Program’s resources.
Danielle has a strategic focus in real estate and economic development and is uniquely qualified to deliver strategies and best practices for implementation. In addition, she has worked across private, public, and non–profit sectors, making her skills versatile and able to address complex issues across diverse groups.